A piece of Advice Worth More than 2 Cents

Once again, i found a very practical subject on the Art Face Offs forum, and I have to thank the author (he calls himself Buck) for enlightening me in an enormous scale. The reasons in discussion are: Too Similar, Too Different, Too Far Away, Too Fragile, Too Expensive, Too Cheap, Too Difficult, Too Inexperienced, and Too Experienced; i suppose if we do need classifications here, somehow every artist will fall into a certian category. Even if you are not going to get a gallery to present your works for you, you still can get some useful knowledge in this topic to reevaluate your works.

Art Community & Forum : Art Face Off :: Top 10 Reasons Why Galleries Reject Artists  Annotated

Most artists harbor the fantasy that if they could only find one art dealer that loved and believed in their work, their career would be set. They secretly believe that there exists a special person that can catapult them to fame. Many artists spend most of their careers searching for "the perfect gallery." And, as all quests towards perfection, it is never ending. If they already have a gallery, it's not good enough; if they are looking for their first gallery, they dream about the moment when someone sets eyes on their work and offers them a solo show immediately. The harsh reality of the situation is having a gallery love your work, is only one very small part of what goes into the decision to represent an artist.

From a gallery's point of view, adding an artist to their stable is much like adding a stock to one's portfolio. There are many complicated factors to take into consideration, and liking the "stock" usually has very little to do with the decision. (more...)


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