Blog Your Photo from Flickr
What a lovely & handy service i just found today (BTW, HAPPY NEW YEAR!) in flickr: I could actually send my works to this blog with just a few clicks (you are right about the pic at the right!). Read on if you would like to try it out yourself.
- In your flickr photos page, click on You/Your Account.
- See the link of Your Blog?? Just follow through the simple process to add your webblog for your flickr account.
- After you have successfully added your blog, you might like to change the layout that suits you best in Your Blog.
- Ready to send your fantastic photo to your blog? Just pick one of your work, now below the title you are supposed to see Blog this b/w Add to sets & All sizes, click on it and add some text then send it. You are done, pal, what a piece of cake, right!
One last thing, in Your Account page, you have the option of Allowing Blogging, if you need more privacy, you may let your contacts have the privilege.